Saturday, March 8, 2008

What Made Dexter Freebish Famous

OK, so I love this Austin-based band called What Made Milwaukee Famous. I first heard them when they opened for Arcade Fire years ago at an ACL after show. You know, the one where Gweneth Paltrow sat on Lauren's jacket and Lauren glared at her before realizing that it was fucking Gweneth Paltrow. Anyway, they just released a new album and I like it a lot, but there is an unreal similarity between their new single entitled "Sultan" and Dexter Freebish's 2000 ditty from Life of Saturdays called "Deeper." I mean, I can remember hearing "Last Nite" by the Strokes and thinking it vaguely sounded like something I had heard from Tom Petty ("American Girl") but I usually don't dwell on songs from different bands that sound exactly the fucking same.

Of course, I exaggerate a bit, but it's just odd that they're both bands from Austin and write self-aware ballads and alternative songs that sound an awful lot like each other. It is a wonder to me why Dexter Freebish was never bigger than it was. I guess they probably should've come out with a much, much better follow-up to Life of Saturdays than they ultimately did.

Goodness, same with Lovedrug. What the fuck happened there?

I can remember listening to Pretend You're Alive and thinking, "If these guys aren't the biggest little indie band on the planet in three years I'll just fucking snap." I was so excited for their sophomore album, but it was probably the biggest musical disappointment I've ever experienced.

Actually, the fact that Third Eye Blind won't get their shit together and will probably never, ever release another album until the day they all die is my greatest musical disappointment. I was pretty optimistic after hearing a few of their new songs in concert, but Jenkins is just kind of a tool box. Judging by the minutes leading up to their show, he's way more interested in bolstering the career of Vanessa Carlton (even though I don't think they're dating anymore) than writing new material for 3eb. Before a band takes the stage, they usually pipe similar music through the speaker system to get people psyched for the show, but all we got were songs from Carlton's newest album. I don't really have a problem with Carlton, per se -- I've been known to rock way the fuck out for "White Houses" -- but Jesus with Out of the Vein it was all about Charlize fucking Theron and now it seems like he's all about this piano-playing, Jay Leno doppelganger who probably couldn't buy another hit if she sold her strong jaw to a desperate transsexual looking to find the missing piece that doesn't rhyme with "weenus."

I'm a man who's passionate about my 3eb. There isn't a world that can exist where people value new 3eb albums less than Vanessa Carlton's entire career.

I am serious, though, I love "White Houses." It's almost like Ste......oh wait he did co-write and produce that song. Well. Jimminy Shitmas.

Maybe Jenkins can just write a billion songs for Vanessa Carlton. I mean, it's better than nothing, I guess. JUST GIVE ME SOMETHING, STEPHEN JENKINS.

I guess we'll always have The National. I swear, Boxer has to be one of the better albums front to back that I've ever heard. I like most of their other stuff, too, but Boxer is just sublime through and through. I can't stress that point enough. You want me to do a little flow chart? I think you do. Here we go!

John's Amazing Albums Through the Years Flow Chart:
The Offspring Smash --> Third Eye Blind Third Eye Blind --> Incubus Morning View --> Pete Yorn Musicforthemorningafter --> Interpol Turn on the Bright Lights --> The Killers Hot Fuss --> The National Boxer

It's something like that. I've probably forgotten something. Wow I'm tired. I have to get up at eight.

What Made Milwaukee Famous


Shell said...

I'm downloading The National as I type. Considering how much you and Jeremy spooge over it, I'm expecting good things. I will, of course, give you my unsolicited opinion in due course.

J. Goerner said...