Wednesday, September 24, 2008

God, I'm Unoriginal

Priya did it. Why shouldn't I? I love to watch myself write, I have nothing better to write about, and I frankly find myself daydreaming about making a room of snobby stage and screen students laugh with admiration on a fairly regular basis. So here goes:

Inside the Actor's Studio with John

1) What is your favorite word?
Daft. I love this word, especially when the Brits say it. I wish I could do a British accent as well as Hugh Laurie can do an American accent.

2) What is your least favorite word?
Moist. No joke. It really is my least favorite. Priya didn't even remind me of it or anything -- that's seriously my answer. What are you looking at?

3) What turns you on?
Being totally helpless with laughter. Ricky Gervais, Michael Cera, Steve Carell, or H. Jon Benjamin are usually involved.

4) What turns you off?
College students. I used to hate high school students, but I'd be that dumb too if I had fucking nothing to really worry or think about. Also, I'm sorry if you're reading this and are a college student. I might hate you, but you're probably an exception.

5) What sound do you love?
Really great videogame music. I know it's lame. I'd say something like "my very favorite band," but that's cheating, isn't it? I like the epic RPG stuff, but recently I've been really impressed with the old stuff. Mega Man music, the Mario theme, etc. I don't like the trend of twerps using 8-bit synth to write original music as popular music. You know? Just not my thing.

6) What sound do you hate?
The Amber Alert sound on the Dallas news stations. Seriously. It's about 21 seconds in and isn't very loud, but you'll get the idea. Fuck.

7) What is your favorite curse word?
I use "fuck" the most, but I have to say I think my very favorite is a simple "asshole." A good "asshole" is hard to find. A well-delivered "asshole" is just delightful. DON'T BE IMMATURE, PEOPLE.

8) What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
I would love to be a lead developer on a critically successful console videogame. I'd love to stand in front of the sweaty masses at E3 or such and really talk about a game I'm proud of and a game that people actually love. I'd like people to feel warm and nostalgic while playing my game. I'd like my game to be one of those games that, years later, sells for hundreds of dollars on eBay because so many people held on to their copies of it. You know?

9) What profession other than yours would you not like to attempt?
Airline pilot. Too much pressure. Too scared of flying. Bad, bad combination of things working there.

10) If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
I've never liked this question. My mind's eye of heaven is more like a feeling than a place. Sitting around a fire during winter, Christmas lights, great TV show on, friends and family around, you know? I'm a massive sap, I know. It's just what I believe, OK? Thanks. But! If this scenario were reality, I guess I'd like it if God said, "Why so surprised? You have to do a lot more than making fun of ugly people to get sent to hell."

"Sex on Fire"
Kings of Leon


Priya said...

Regarding #8, have you played the new Mega Man for the Wii yet? Kyle downloaded it the other day and has been consistently enjoying paroxysms of delight ever since. He particularly likes the music for this one, apparently it has a really authentic 8-bit/midi tone sound. Thoughts?

Regarding #10, I am absolutely tickled at the vast character difference betrayed by our answers. Yours is so sweet and genuine, and mine was probably the bitchiest thing I could have come up with. Like Garp (from The World According to Garp), who I think told his wife that - no matter the truth - she tell everyone his last words were, "I've been misunderstood by you assholes for the last time!" I have always, always loved that.

L said...

OH MY GOD. the new mega man is SO FUCKING AMAZING. i'm constantly begging John to play it...and I'm sad that he's playing something else right now. i love that music.

Priya said...

Kyle wanted me to tell you guys that they used the engine from Mega Man 2 (the one considered superior by Mega Man purists) rather than the one from Mega Man 3, which explains for the lack of slide and whatever kind of shot John missed.