Friday, February 29, 2008

Life's Spoiler Alert

Do your damnedest to act like you didn't read this here (Ben and Shelley, I'm talking to you two since I believe you two are the only ones who ever read this thing besides those who already know) in case they really, really want to tell everyone in person like they did Jeremy, Lauren, and I, but I just really, really wanted to document the fact that I am quite stoked that Mike asked Rachel to marry him and she said "yes."

You gotta lock that down.

And he has.

Good one, Mike.

"Mr. November"
The National


L said...

You're a legend, Mike.

Shell said...

If by "don't act like you read this here", you mean I should immediately send Mike an email with lots of exclamation marks and congratulations, then consider it done.

J. Goerner said...

The most beautiful girl with a kebab.