Sunday, June 5, 2011

Jeezy Creezy

Man, I remember when I was positive I was going to blog all the time and love it and put ads on it and turn it into something sharable and great.

I'm such a fucking sham.

Drove around pretty aimlessly today since Lauren's out of town.  Just one of those days.  Just really, really bored for long stretches and I took an Excedrin just so I could get jacked up on caffeine for a while.

Probably not something I should do very often.  Got some work done, but mainly I just sat around being furious about not having an office.

"BUT THE OVERHEAD," my overcautious business self said to me.

"You can go suck a fuck, John E. Warren, MBA," said I.

Then I ate a big thing of bread pudding and stared at my pot belly in the mirror while Bird the cat literally shoveled her tiny cat food into her face.  It's like a tiny, furry Playmobil dump truck going to work.  I want to glue little sticks on her back and put on a hard hat and go "CHUGGA CHUGGA CHUGGA WHOOOOOP" while she eats.

Jesus I need to get on that.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chase You Down Until You LOVE ME

I have a vice and her name is LADY GAGA.

Lady Gaga

Friday, September 25, 2009

River Oaks Theater & Book Stop

I figure I should update this thing periodically.

Most of my stuff will be at from now on. I'll try to make time for this personal blog, though. It's still my baby.

It makes me mad that the River Oaks Theater and the historic Book Stop building in Houston are going to be torn down soon. I know people can band together and stop these things from happening, but it's pretty rare. There are just some things that need to be left alone, which is usually said of the wilderness or protected park areas, but I think it should apply to historical buildings, too. I figure you can put anything you damn well please inside a building, but there's no real need to change the structure of the building. It's 99% of the reason I liked going to that Book Stop. Otherwise, it's a fucking Book Stop.

Houston needs more high rises like I need a dick for a tongue. It's stupid.

Monday, June 22, 2009

I Was Once A Private Man, Part One

02:41 am
you ain't fooling nobody with the lights out

having her here makes me feel pretty fucking excellent. i should be working but i keep getting distracted.

i love that she asks me lots of questions.

can't wait to sleep in my bed when i get home.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Business on the Top, Party on the Bottom

It's weird being a new patient at a dentist's office. I haven't really done that since I was seven or something like that. I had a cleaning/check-up today. I forgot that I had to fill out a ton of paperwork so I showed up right when the appointment was supposed to begin. Kind of a dumb move. I felt really bad about it.

The paperwork asked me if I was happy with my teeth from a cosmetic perspective. My answer was, verbatim, "Business on the top, party on the bottom."

No one acknowledged it, which was actually more satisfying, in a way.

Forgive the lyrics of today's song. Never mind the fact that they sound like Orgy doing Joy Division instead of New Order. Example: "Let's grow old together and die at the same time!"

Yep. Yepper do.

"To Lose My Life"
White Lies

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wacky Pranksters!

I quit my job after they took me down to ten hours a week, but most of you know this by now. I've already started a bunch of other projects and already have my previous employer asking for help with something (though it's slightly more complicated than that description).

I am thoroughly confused by this commercial. I don't get the dancing. I don't get the hamster yoga. I don't understand what's happening.

Also, I've posted the results of that quiz that Priya posted. I feel like I did this years ago and got something totally different -- I wish I could dig those results up. But David Letterman and John Belushi? Hmm. I do have weird teeth and love little chocolate donuts. I can't imagine the mongoloid who gets "Prankster" as a result. If you get that result, keep it to yourself and pretend I didn't just write that. I love you, whoever you are, and I'm sure you're not that stupid.

Your result for The 3 Variable Funny Test...

the Cutting Edge

(67% dark, 46% spontaneous, 21% vulgar)

your humor style:

Your humor's mostly innocent and off-the-cuff, but somehow there's something slightly menacing about you. Part of your humor is making people a little uncomfortable, even if the things you say aren't themselves confrontational. You probably have a very dry delivery, or are seriously over-the-top.

Your type is the most likely to appreciate a good insult and/or broken bone and/or very very fat person dancing.

PEOPLE LIKE YOU: David Letterman - John Belushi


The 3-Variable Funny Test!
- it rules -

Take The 3 Variable Funny Test
at HelloQuizzy

"French Navy"
Camera Obscura

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Musical Confession to Be Given to My Father Upon My Possible Untimely Death

I've always claimed my mother's taste in music, which, in a pinch, I would describe to someone as "she don't like no pussy music." She likes the Stones and Zeppelin, Hendrix and Dylan (don't for one second think you can claim Dylan is pussy music even if it's more poetic and thoughtful). She's pounded these things into my skull and I'll always be thankful for it.

My father, on the other hand, likes the lighter fare. He listens to some country, which I abhor. He's been known to like the smooth jazz, which I can't get behind. He even likes some Beyonce, which I won't even comment on.

My dad's musical taste has always been a not-so-inside joke between my mom and I, which I know eats at my dad.

But here it is. My confession that he may or may not ever get to see.

I listen to Bonnie Raitt because of my father. I like Bonnie Raitt. A lot. I just remembered this. I remember this one day when he took me to work with him in his red Mitsubishi sports car in 1991 and played a Bonnie Raitt record the entire way to Las Colinas. I listened to "Not the Only One," originally written by an Irish dude, like 25 times. True facts, I just listened to it another 25 times much to the chagrin of Lauren.

This is, of course, a microcosm of my main point. I have my dad to thank for the other side of me that loves the lighter stuff. The guy who loves Azure Ray, Tracy Chapman, and Billy Joel has Bill Warren genetics to thank. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Word life.

So, remember this, Dad, the next time I bust your chops for blasting Shawn Colvin in your car, remember that deep down, I'm closing my eyes and singing "Sunny Came Home" as loud as I possibly can.

But I'll probably call you a pussy.

"Not the Only One"
Bonnie Raitt