Friday, October 31, 2008

Just A Question, Not A Judgment. I Swear.

If you like the show 30 Rock, could you tell me why? I just can't get into it. Have I seen two bad episodes?

It might help to see the episodes in order. Maybe we're just not destined to be TV BFFs. That's OK. I want to like it, though, you know?

"The Most Beautiful Girl in the Room"
Flight of the Conchords


Priya said...


I think it has something to do with the relationship between sweetly cheesy Tina Fey and bloodthirsty yet approachable Alec Baldwin. Alec Baldwin is gold. Will Arnett and Jack McBrayer are also incredible. If you watch more you'll start to see the relationships grow and get more and more clever. It suffers from that common TV malaise, I think, which is that the early episodes are just not that strong. The more you watch, though, the more you'll love.

L said...
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L said...

The episodes we've seen, however, were the more recent ones from the past season. If those are the strong ones, then I'm just bewildered (by the show).

John said...

I think my issues with the show are somewhat confirmed by what you've said about it, unless I'm generalizing (which is very possible). I like what I see in terms of Liz and Jack's relationship. I'm almost constantly intrigued by their interactions, in a good way. But that's not all that happens in the show. McBrayer's character is a good secondary character, but I really don't like the other secondary characters. I don't think Tracy Morgan is funny, never have, really. The blonde has some charm, but I personally think everything written for her is poorly paced. The secondary characters seem like afterthoughts when placed next to Liz and Jack.

It's just weird to me. Having said that, I can now say it's a given for me to Hulu the show or rent the DVD. I should see it from the beginning. Someone once told me it was kind of like Arrested Development and maybe that's why I'm having trouble making the leap into liking 30 Rock.

Priya said...

Look: nothing is like Arrested Development, nor will anything ever be like Arrested Development, and frankly the person who made that mistake should be taken out back and shot.

Just Hulu the show, and if you like it, you like it (did you guys see the episode titled Cooter?). I just think it's funny, and as well-versed as I am in the show biz talk (hah), I'm not well-versed enough to make a compelling argument for any show that you have to just get, like Californication, 30 Rock, Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks, or Mad About You, for that matter.

That said, maybe it's my pre-existing loves for the people in the show (Fey, Baldwin, McBrayer, Arnett) that make me a little soft on it in the first place.

I never thought Tracy Morgan was funny either. I kind of like how much he torments Jenna and Liz, but fuck it.
ANYWAY, Kyle once saw him in a Barnes and Noble miming doggy-style intercourse with his wife and saying, "you know you like that! you know you like that!" or something along those lines. In front of their two kids. Freak.

Shell said...

I love 30 Rock. And I think Priya's "you just have to get it" comment may be true. I never had any issue with the secondary characters. I never thought parts were underdeveloped or poorly timed. I've always found it to be comic gold.

Obviously, Fey and Baldwin are a big part of that. (I still think this is what Alec Baldwin was born to do). But I also really love the interactions with all the secondary characters. I love the fact that they are all one giant ball of eccenticies after another and I love how awkward and abbrassive they all are.

I think the more you watch it (and perhaps it needs to be from the begining) you'll learn to love the characters and the show. Or, perhaps you wont and you'll just keep on living with a tiny 30 Rock shaped hole in your heart.

L said...

John and I saw the episode about a sandwich and also the episode where Liz thinks she's preggers, just fyi.

Priya said...

The episode is NOT ABOUT THE SANDWICH. Jesus! You two are college grads now! READ BETWEEN THE LINES! The episode is about AWESOMENESS AND YOUR LACKING OF IT.

We shall let bygones be bygones in the case of Sweat-Warren vs. 30 Rock, however. Because I get the feeling that the more jokey I get with my fake-anger the more chances I'm taking with you thinking I'm serious with my real anger.