Friday, August 29, 2008


Is there a worse song meant to be taken seriously than Nickelback's "Photograph?"

Tell me.

"Ragged Wood"
Fleet Foxes


L said...

That, sir, is a *very* good question. I must research and find something comparable.

Shell said...

I really really hate that country song with the chorus "live every day like it's your last - go skydiving, rocky mountain climbing...". Apparently the singer/songwriter (if he deserves such a title) thought he had cancer, or had cancer, or his dad had cancer, or maybe it was his dog... in any case, he decided he should go do something cool for a change and then wrote an inspirational song about it.

It makes me want to jam sewing needles in my ears.

Unknown said...

Mr. Lover - Shaggy

Priya said...

Oops, skipped over the part where you said the song was meant to be taken seriously. How about:

Hoobastank - The Reason