Saturday, January 12, 2008

Flat Panels and Terraforming

Did anyone else here recently wake up and realize your childhood vision of the future was coming to fruition?

How many of your life goals can you mark off at this point?

Does anyone have life goals?

Azure Ray


L said...

funnily enough, that *did* happen to me somewhat recently. seriously. but it didn't dawn on me with a flash or anything like that - it came quite slowly.

1 life goal down, infiniteamount to go.

what about you?

Shell said...

I am writing a post in my head that, sooner or later, I'll get down on paper (and by paper, of course, I mean blog). But, the relevant thing here is that it is entitled, "I don't believe in New Years' Resolutions". Which I guess you could expand on to say I am not one for specific life goals in general.

I want to be successful doing something I love doing. I want to have a happy relationship and have a family at some point. I want to travel (with some specific places in mind) and I want to have the freedom and courage to do what I want/need when it arises.

Do I have any life long dreams? Things I've always wanted to do include Skydiving and going to Rome and Athens. But nothing I would call a "life goal".

This is getting ahead of myself, and I will explain it in more detail in the previously mentioned blog-in-progress, but my only real goal in life is to live the next three months to the fullest.

I didn't really answer your question. Sorry. =)

Shell said...

Lauren pointed out that my above comment makes little to no sense. Sorry. I'll try to do better in my post.

L said...

oh, no! it makes sense, really. i just didn't understand why it was specific for three months but john explained it to me.