Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Ineffable Feeling

I'll probably post this on the 'ol Xanga, but I'll post it here first. Can you name any movies/TV shows that really capture the ineffable feeling of falling in love? Can you think of any scenes in particular? What about other realistic representations of profound emotions?

It's not that I can't think of any, but I'm interested in knowing what everyone else (pretty much meaning Jeremy, Shelley, and Lauren) thinks.

Watching the third season of "The Office" caused me to remember how wonderful DVD can be for TV shows. I watched almost every episode as they aired, but DVD makes the show (and many shows) exponentially better.

Kanye West


J. Goerner said...

i thought the office did a pretty good job of capturing a pretty awkward take on it . . . you have to sift through all of their hiding it and so on, but i know that's one of the main reasons that i watch the show, if not -the- main reason . . . the jim and pam love story

i would also suggest the GOB and marta love story from arrested development

John said...

Marta #1 was soooooo much hotter than Marth #2

J. Goerner said...

no. kidding.

L said...

i didn't respond sooner because nothing came to me. i can't really say i've seen a tv series that has captured it for me. i'd have to think more about the movies.

but, if you asked me US versus UK, the UK version captured a few feelings I've had whereas I've never really connected on a deep-down-personal level with the US. That does not mean, though, that I don't enjoy the US love story to a semi-ridiculous degree.

Also, this is lame, but I think one of the reasons I watch this one particular anime series that shall remain nameless on this medium is because it kind of captures how I felt about love when I was younger.

J. Goerner said...

you're talking about akira, aren't you?

L said...

i doubt the seriousness of your query.

L said...

but either way, the answer is no.

J. Goerner said...

skate is sick

Priya said...

I have several things to add to this thread...

1. AKIRA! I just saw it for the first time like a month and a half ago and I'm still kind of struggling to process it. I will say this though, if Akira had anything to do with the way you feel/felt love, I would be very worried about you. Unless you're talking about enormous terrifying teddy bears, in which case...okay, I can kinda see that.

2. Gob and Marta is one of the greatest love stories of our time! Wait...I've made a huge mistake. I can't think of any great depictions of the falling-in-love process on TV or in movies; I tend to get my profound emotion from books and other written stuff.

3. Hi John! Lauren directed me to this blog from my own. Ugh, I hate sounding like a hits-whore, but there it is. Visit me.


J. Goerner said...

personally, i was referring to the giant amoeba man

John said...


1) I equate giant tumorous blobs with love, but the huge, milk-covered teddy bears scream "love" to me as well. I don't know what is. I don't know who to talk to.

2) Do you agree that the first Marta was vastly superior to the second Marta (aka Inaksunamun from the Mummy movies)?

3) Oh, you've been visited. You've had the shit visited out of you. I just haven't thought of something worthy to comment yet. Or something. Hi! Welcome!
