I won't say anything about the outcome of Prop 8 that hasn't been better said by Priya (hope you don't mind the shout-out), but I will repeat one of the ideas she raises. A lot of people who oppose gay marriage site the idea that if we let humans of the same gender marry each other, then that will undoubtedly lead to people wanting to marry goats, trees, postage stamps, Playstations, Astroglide, hairless cats, large jugs of moonshine, dildos, etc. If you claim this idea as your own, then you also claim the idea that gay men and woman are less human than straight men and women. Does that sit well with you?
OK, that's all.
I just watched SiCKO (yeah, I spelled it like that) again for the first time since seeing it in theaters a while back. Lauren hadn't seen it before. I think it's really Moore's finest work. I didn't like Fahrenheit 9/11 for various reasons. Bowling for Columbine had some great moments (I'm a huge fan of strict gun regulation -- the 2nd Amendment is vastly misunderstood in this country). I think SiCKO is pretty great from start to finish. However, I ultimately think it works better as an indictment of the US health care system than a glorification of socialized medicine systems in Canada, the UK, France, and Cuba. I'm not foolish enough to believe that socialized medicine doesn't come at a price in terms of high taxes and some way-of-life changes, but I do maintain the belief that we should try socialized medicine in this country. Our system, as it stands, is corrupt, broken, and misanthropic. The medical profession was never meant to be the cash cow it's become in the US. I'm hopeful that Obama will lean us in that direction before his first four years are done.
I'd love to know what everyone thinks about this. Reasons against socialized medicine resonate with me a great deal -- it's not like I'm completely sold on my stance. But yeah, I've heard good reasons for and against and it seems like something this country should be open to.
"Red Star"
Third Eye Blind
Hashtag Blessed, Basically
I blog less when I'm happy. A lot less. I think that's true of everyone,
really. You're too busy experiencing the moment and spend a lot less time
10 years ago